A Better Future - With You!

Hello, there! I’m Dr. Tiffany Vora, a scientist, speaker, and writer. I’m on a mission to help you prepare for a radically different future. From biotechnology to artificial intelligence, from space exploration to preparing for our longest and healthiest life on Earth, I invite you to come with me on a journey fired by both curiosity and action.

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Voracious Curiosity

Nature, with its 4 billion years of evolution, has been the world's most successful R&D lab—and it has inspired much of my work. As a biologist, I’m incredibly fortunate to look at the natural world and see not just challenges, but beauty, inspiration, and endless wonder.

Life here in the heart of Silicon Valley has immersed me in a hub of cutting-edge technology and ambitious innovators. That’s why I’ve developed a future-forward mindset. This kind of thinking empowers me to imagine life beyond just the next 5 or 10 years—to imagine 30, 50 years into the future and even beyond. It positions me to ask what’s possible—and how we would create it, together.

I believe that merging Nature’s lessons with the transformative potential of technology is perhaps our most powerful strategy to build better future(s).

Now you know where this newsletter’s name has come from! It’s my belief that having voracious curiosity pushes us to ask big, bold questions, to experiment, and to explore the unknown. If you’re reading this newsletter, then you’re as hungry as I am to tackle these challenges.

Catalyzing Change

My goal is to bring like-minded people together to tackle the things that matter. For me, a big part of that is making science and technology more accessible to everyone, everywhere. That’s not just because I think science and tech have lots to offer. It’s because I find inspiration in both the natural world and the crazy things that humans create. 

This newsletter is how I plan to share that inspiration with you! It’s also how you can reach me to share what you’re seeing, doing, and dreaming out in the world. Just hit subscribe!

Whether I’m delivering a keynote on a big stage, hosting an intimate workshop, sharing my thinking through blogs, podcasts, or social updates, or sending letters directly to your inbox, I believe in sparking conversations that drive us toward a brighter future—together.

Ready to Embark on this Adventure?

Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, you’ll find my notes on bio-inspired breakthroughs and future-focused insights right in your inbox. Think of this newsletter as a curated gift, from me to you. :)

So if you haven't yet, I hope you'll subscribe to Voracious today and join business leaders, innovators, policy makers, educators, and many other dreamers and builders in creating better futures.

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Tiffany is an expert in biotech, health, & innovation. She speaks, writes, and advises on how to harness technology to build the best possible future(s).